Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feeling Happy!

Well I had my very nervous visit to the gynae oncologist yesterday and it was so much better than I had been anticipating! Once again I got to deal with the lovely Dr Byony Simcock who really is just the best!
I need to have the cyst removed (it's not cancer YAY!) so I will be off to hospital in about six months time to have a cystectomy & my tubes tied at the same time.
So i'm feeling so much happier more living in limbo wondering what's going to happen.
After we got the good news we did abit of shopping and I found some lovely but could have spent a fortune!
We checked out the malls but I'm not a fan of those places.....I get so disorientated! And then we were off back to the coast again!


  1. That's awesome Christine - nothing worse than the 'not knowing'.

  2. Very true...It has definitely been a big relief:)

  3. That's great news it's nothing sinister, it will be a load off your mind.

    I think I might have seen knitworld, driving past one day and thinking, that's an odd place for a knitting shop! I should go back and have a look, if it is the same place, it's not too far from my house.

  4. Yes knitworld is tucked away but a great shop.....wool everywhere! Not much fun for my partner John but I had to go to Bunnings so I think we're even!
