Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Relay for life

During the weekend Hokitika was the host to this years Relay for Life on the West Coast.

My mum was diagnosed with cancer when I was 8 and she is lucky enough to be a survivor. It is a great cause to support and something which affects so many.

Doing a circuit with the family.

My partner John was in the Hokitika Volunteer Fire Brigade Team. The Fire Brigade members did a great job even wearing their full gear while walking the track. The kids & I joined in to do a few circuits of the track & I even had a go carrying the BA (Breathing Apparatus) it was very heavy....I'd hate to think what it would be like having to carry that into a fire!!!

Over $35000 was raised!!!! It  was a lovely family oriented weekend and a great way to celebrate life and remember those lost.

If you would like to know more about the Relay for Life pop on over to their site http://www.relayforlife.org.nz/index

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love! Love! Love!

Tomorrow it's Valentines Day! Here are some lovely gift ideas from Felt for your loved one.

And for some of us who like to make our loved ones a special gift why not pop over to the Destitute Gourmet for some lovely and very affordable valentines baking ideas.

Gourmet Caramel Apples
Heart brooch
'stick with me babe' - huge fabric heart sticker for your valentine
Such a hottie Card
Romance - Love Letters Necklace

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A New Beanie

I have finally finished off the design for my Pukeko Beanie in childrens sizes!

I love the cheeky pukekos that pop up in the paddocks and after making my Pukeko Puppet I just had to make a beanie. I have been playing around with for a while so I am really pleased with the way it has turned out!

My next mission is to make the adult size!