"Writing to say how happy I was with the gumboots and tell you of what they were used for - something quite different to the intended purpose I'm sure! Seems you ladies like a romantic story!
My partner lives in the city while I'm in the country, as I am farming. She is shifting to the farm later in the year and refers to the shift as operation gumboot. So the redbands were to somewhat symbolise her shift. Recently we went for a walk on the beach where she lives......... In my pocket were the 2 boots, after about 40 mins of walking we found ourselves at a nice quiet spot, out came one gumboot and then the other. I 'dropped' the second gumboot, so here I was on one knee in front of my partner holding the second gumboot up to her (which had an engagement ring in it)! She said yes!
So yes the gumboots were a big part of it all!"